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- Protect the Health and Welfare of the people living on the Lone Pine Paiute-Shoshone Reservation, which may be compromised due to levels of air pollution from on-and-off Reservation sources.
- Investigate and implement, as appropriate, the statutory and regulatory opportunities of the federal Clean Air Act (CAA). The Tribal Authority Rule (TAR) of the Clean Air Act (CAA) provides the Tribes with the opportunity to manage air resources within the boundaries of their Reservations. Achieving the capacity to do so, with a federally approved Tribal Air Program, further asserts a Tribe’s sovereignty over their natural resources.
- The Tribe has long been concerned about its air quality and has participated in Great Basin Unified Air Pollution Control District’s (GBUAPCD) development of the Owens Dry Lake’s State Implementation Plan (SIP). Operating a comprehensive air program will ensure the SIP is properly implemented as well as having the ability to address other air quality issues facing the Tribe.
- Develop the technical skills necessary to monitor the off-Reservation Owens Dry Lake dust, also gaining the capacity to regulate industries, facilities and other activities contributing to air pollution within the Reservation boundaries.
- Have the ability to make official petitions to the EPA about off-Reservation sources that are polluting the air over the Reservation.
- Participate in the National Tribal Air Association (NTAA). The NTAA is a Tribal air quality organization dedicated to insuring that Tribes themselves set priorities and determine mechanisms for interacting with other governments on air quality issues. The Lone Pine Paiute-Shoshone Reservation supports the formation of the NTAA, and looks forward to its continued participation in the protection and improvement of air quality in Indian Country.
- Provide community outreach and education about air quality related topics. This will contiune to be accomplished through participation in the Owens Valley Environmental Youth Camp, classroom visits, and informational booths at community events such as the Independence 4th of July Celebration and the Fiesta de Lone Pine.